Monday, September 13, 2010

chapter 3 reading blog

Chapter 3 Reading Blog

These blogs work by making fun of actual news. These types of shows get many people to watch them because they are funny and everyone likes to laugh. Coverage of major news events is done by one making fun of actual news and two by telling the truth and giving people the straight out news. Both kinda of tell the news because the programs that make fun of the news tell what they're making fun of so in actuality they are letting their viewers know whats going on. The straight news programs just give the out right news.


  1. I agree completely with what was said. It is just a way for them to get a good laugh, but in reality it is serious news that is goin on everyday. I feel like these shows are a waste of time. Watching the real world news is for sure the right news.

  2. I'm not sure if it's exactly 'making fun' of the news, but there is definitely some satire in how they work, and respond to news stories. The way the hosts act is very holier-than-thou, and it seems that they think they are above all of these other newscasters who work as hard, if not harder, than they do, to bring the news to hardcore viewers of CNN, or Fox News, or the like. But in acting like this, they still inform the public, in a more comedic forum, about important topics in the news. Both styles of newscasting have their pros and cons, but I don't think it's fair to imply that one is less relevant than the other.

  3. I don't know if their technically making fun of straight news broadcasts. Shows like the daily show makes fun of just about everything. The whole point is to express the important news thats going on around the world, but also to make viewers laugh and enjoy themselves.People want the news but also want to be able to enjoy watching it. Regular news broadcasts are stale and boring. The daily show and the regular news broadcasts both feed the same information to the general public, the only difference between the two is that the daily show is looking to attract a wide range of viewers where as the regular news has the same type of viewers. I think the daily show is a news broadcast I would deffinetly choose to watch over a regualr news broadcast.
