Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Reading Blog 6

The educational systems I have went through have all taught me one thing in common. That is to obey. This isn't a bad thing. I feel as though I have been taught since kindergarten to not question what the teacher had to say, the teacher was always right. It was always a totalitarian state if you will. Follow obiediently, don't ask questions, do your work. Almost as if me and my fellow classmates were slaves, and the teacher the slave driver. We were taught to be a good responsible member of society who's opinion should be heard, but oddly enough our opinion never exactly mattered when it came to school. As student's at least in high school I was always wrong, teacher was right. Even if the teacher was sort of lazy, and didn't exactly care to teach, he was right. I was brought up to stand up for what I think is right, and be a productive memer of society. This sort of contradicts what I was experiencing the the class rooms at my local high school. Everything I was even being taught in the high school was being contradicted by what environment I was sitting in, being quiete and getting yelled at for talking. I'm not really talking about my whole education, really just one teacher in particular that didn't really care to teach, just expected us to know everything the first day we stepped into the class. I was also taught that I am just as important to society as the teacher that stood in front of me. Which, in a way, is being contradicted with every class i've ever been in. The teacher's desk is up front, or they stand up front. This to me symbolizes, the teacher being superior to me and the other students. Never really thought about this kind of stuff before, kind of interesting.


  1. I totally see where your coming from on sayin that grade school is a contradiction on everything else you are taught. I don't understand why they want us to sit and be quiet when out in the real world you have to stand most of the time, and you need to be interactive with the people around you.
    Also I see where your coming from about the teacher feeling superior, I think in a way they are trying to symbolize your boss later on in life so then you can feel like you have been taught how to take directions, and that you are willing to take them and not be outspoken about them.

  2. I have to say that it sucks that you had a bad experience with a teacher and that may have made you think bad of all teachers. If teachers are lazy then they should've found a different profession. I feel there should be respect for authority and teachers do have authority. But there is no stupid question and no way you can know everything the first day you walk into a classroom. That's why your going to school is to learn information, something new every day.
